REMINDER: Last week to order a 24/25 Yearbook! You may pick up an order form from your campus office or order online at All orders due by March 7th! Thank you for supporting the MPV yearbook!
9 days ago, Andrew Jernegan
MPV Schools: Yearbooks are on sale for $30! Pick up an order form at your campus office or order online at Orders are due March 7th. Thank you for supporting the MPV Yearbook!
16 days ago, Andrew Jernegan
The District will soon be sending a survey to obtain feedback on a school calendar for 25-26. We do have data collected from the 23-24 (5 day week) and the 24-25 (4 day week)school year concerning student attendance, employee attendance and student discipline issues. The 1st semester of 23-24 (5 day week) was compared to the 1st semester of 24-25 (4 day week). Here are the findings: Student attendance improved over 3% during the 4 day week semester. 23-24 5 day attendance --93.96% 24-25 4 day attendance--97.12% Employees attendance improved 17%. 23-24 5 day week was 451 total days absent for employees. 24-25 4 day week was 375 total days absent for employees. Discipline problems were down 11% during the 4 day week semester. 23-24 5 day week had 284 total discipline incidents. 24-25 4 day week had 254 total discipline incidents. Student achievement data will not be available until after our Summative ATLAS exams are taken in April and results given back to us hopefully around July. Overall the data has shown positive results in the areas listed since moving to a four day week. The survey will be out within the next week.
23 days ago, Lonnie Myers
Due to probable inclement weather and declining road conditions tomorrow, school will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th.
24 days ago, Lonnie Myers
🎓 Senior Ads – Celebrate Your Graduate! 🎓 The Yearbook staff invites you to honor your Senior with a personalized Senior Ad! Showcase their achievements and memories with a special tribute in the yearbook. 📌 Ad Pricing: 🔹 Full Page – $100 🔹 Half Page – $50 🔹 Quarter Page – $35 📄 How to Order: Pick up an ad form from the office or print it from the email sent to all Seniors. Submit your completed form, pictures, and payment by February 28th to secure your spot! Don't miss this chance to celebrate your Senior’s journey! 🎉 #SeniorAds #ClassOf2025 #Yearbook
29 days ago, Andrew Jernegan
Due to MPV Schools being closed January 9th & 10th for inclement weather report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, January 14th.
2 months ago, Angela Bonewell
Parents and guardians of Pleasant View students: Tomorrow, Dec. 19, from 8am until 1 pm, we will be having a gate installed at the main entrance of Pleasant View Campus. Therefore, the main entrance to Pleasant View Campus will be closed off to traffic. If you need to check in your student or check out your student between 8 am and 1 pm, please call ahead and use the back entrance by the playground (there is a sign that reads for deliveries). We are sorry for any inconvenience this will cause. Thank you.
3 months ago, Anthony Hood
On Tuesday, November 12th, from 5:00-7:30 PM, MHS will be hosting "Funds and Future Fest" in the MPV High School Auditorium. This event is open to students in grades 9-12 and their families. Students and parents, join us for an evening where you can: 1. Connect with colleges, trade schools, and local employers 2. Learn about community resources to support your future plans 3. Enjoy FREE FOOD (hamburgers and hotdogs), door prizes, and college swag! We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Brad Williams
Reminder: PV campus STEM night is tonight from 5:30-7:00. Food, games, and prizes.
4 months ago, Anthony Hood
The Mulberry High School Veteran's Day program will be livestreamed today starting at 11:15.  The program will be livestreamed on Youtube.  The channel is "Mulberry Sports Network" or you can follow this link: Please join us as we celebrate the sacrifice and dedication of veterans.
4 months ago, Brad Williams
Pleasant View Campus is having phone issues today. Calls will be diverted to the District Office shortly. You may leave a message with the District Office and it will be relayed. If you wish to call the district office directly, the number is (479)997-1715. Sorry for any inconvenience. Also, a reminder that from 1:30-2:10, students will be at the MPV Auditorium for an author visit.
4 months ago, Anthony Hood
Reminder that tonight, October 18th is MPV Basketball Fever Night @ C.B. Cotton Havener Gym. Chili Supper will begin @ 5:00 PM in the high school cafeteria with games beginning @ 6:00PM. Cost for Chili Supper is $8.00. Come out and support MPV Basketball!!
5 months ago, Angela Bonewell
Parent/Teacher Conferences for all campuses will be this Thursday, October 17th beginning @ 4:15PM. Report cards will be handed out during the conferences.
5 months ago, Angela Bonewell
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Do not miss the MPV Music Department's 2024 Fall Concert in the MPV Auditorium tonight, Thursday October 10. Doors will open @ 5:30PM with the concert beginning at 6:00PM. Hope to see everyone there.
5 months ago, Angela Bonewell
2024 Fall Concert
Parents and Guardians, this is a reminder to join us for the MPV Fall Festival that is happening tonight beginning @ 5:30PM on the Pleasant View Campus! Food, games, silent auction and more!
5 months ago, Angela Bonewell
Fall Festival
Also if you are calling to let the office know your child(ren) will be a car rider, please let us know if they will be picked up in line or from the “sidewalk” which means you park and walk up to the glass doors of building A. Thank you for your assistance in alleviating congestion and keeping our stingers safe! Please call 997-1495 if you have any questions.
7 months ago, Heather Smyth
Marvin parents and guardians thank you for being patient with us as we work through the changes being made this school year. In order to ensure student safety, we are updating our car rider time to 4:00 p.m. This way all car riders will be loaded before the buses come through. If you pick up your student on the sidewalk, you will now pick up your child from the glass doors that lead into the main hallway of building A. Please wait outside and the staff member on duty will dismiss your child(ren) to you. We hope that this alleviates some of the congestion while keeping all students safe.
7 months ago, Heather Smyth
Pleasant View parents/guardians: This message is to inform you that Pleasant View Campus will have a new cell phone policy this year. We will be a cell phone free campus this year, which means that students will need to power off their phones and either leave them in their locker or school bag for the entire school day. Students will not be allowed to have their phones during school hours (7:30 am – 4:10 pm). If a student is caught with their cell phone, they will be subject to the disciplinary procedure for the violation. The full cell phone policy can be seen from our website
8 months ago, Anthony Hood
Exciting news for Marvin Primary students! Join us for our 1st Re-enrollment Day on July 11, 9 am - 6 pm. Complete the re-enrollment packet for your child to receive their scratch-off sheet revealing next year's teacher! Can't make it? Visit Ms. Smyth on July 16 (8 am - 4 pm) or July 19 (11 am - 4 pm). Kindergarten, preschool, or new district students with completed paperwork can also get their scratch-off. More dates coming soon! Contact Ms. Smyth at or 997-1495 for questions (best via email in summer).
9 months ago, Heather Smyth
Marvin Primary has a busy day tomorrow!! Kindergarten graduation is @ 9 Preschool graduation is @ 10:30 1st-4th awards ceremony is @ 1:30 All events will be held in the MPV auditorium we hope you can join us. Friday is our fun day! Make sure kids bring sun screen, wear clothes they can get wet in, and a dry change of clothes including socks and shoes.
10 months ago, Heather Smyth