MPV Admininistration: These are key points I hope to have on our webpage soon. During COVID-19 someone will be at each school office M-F from 8:30-2:30. Please communicate with school principals and teachers concerning your students’ academic questions. Food services will continue with potential delivery modifications in the future. Please deliver your AMI packages to the students’ home school on Thursday afternoons between 1-6 p.m. Also pick up packets for the next week (if it applies to your student). Stay on a schedule academically and physically if possible with your students. We know this isn’t easy for families. We pray for all of you daily. Try to spend 3-4 hours per day with learning. We love and miss our kids. This process begins tomorrow Thursday, April 2, 2010.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
From MPV Administration: AMI days resume on Monday, March 30th. Meals delivered via bus on regular routes 10:30-noon beginning Monday, the 30th. K-12 Resume work on AMI Packets. Look for updated messages on MPVFacebook and messages from the District teachers/administration daily concerning assignments and assignment collection. Contact principals if student does not have internet access. 2020 Seniors, watch for updates from Mr. Williams. Contact teachers for support. Together, we will make this work for our kids! Be patient with us as we navigate new ways to help our students succeed.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District: There were about 60 meals left over from the last three days. Anyone can go to the front door of Mulberry High School now until 12:15 to get the sacks of food.First come-First served. Happy Spring Break everyone!
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District: The Governor has announced that public schools will now be closed through Friday, April 17th. All of you will be receiving frequent messages concerning this longer term. At this moment, we are out for Spring Break until March 30th. Stay healthy and enjoy the family time until then. Rest assured we will develop ongoing AMI plans and plans to continue serving breakfast and lunch to our students. We love our students and staff. We will get through this together.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
11th graders will be taking the ACT on February 25th, 2020
over 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
Rocket League - Mulberry HIgh vs Centerpoint High will stream at 4PM.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
Report Cards went home 1/9/2020
almost 5 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
Welcome to our new website!
over 5 years ago, Andrew Jernegan