Students may be picked up by parents at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 27th, 2021. Buses will leave Marvin Primary at noon to deliver students home. Parents with students riding buses should expect students to arrive at home about 3 hours earlier than usual on Thursday.
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot 5-21-21: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—2
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Snapshot 5-14-21: Employees Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Employees Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—0
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Snapshot 5-8-21: Staff Positive: 0 Students Positive: 0 Staff Quarantined: 0 Students Quarantined: 0
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District now has electricity on at all campuses. We will resume on-site learning tomorrow, May 6, 2021. We look forward to seeing everyone. MPV sends thanks to all the power line workers and volunteers who have worked hard to restore our power and take care of the needs in our community.
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
School is dismissed Wednesday, May 5th in all MPV Schools due to continued power outages across the district. MPV apologizes for the late notice. It was hoped power would be back up this evening; however the power is still off and the District believes it is best for all concerned to continue with virtual assignments tomorrow. Assignments missed due to the lack of power for devices may may be made up on the day of return to on site instruction.
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
School is dismissed today at MPV Schools due to a power outage. We will pivot to a virtual day should power resume.
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Schools will not be in session today due to a power outage. The day will pivot to virtual assignments if power resumes during the day.
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot: 04-30-21 Staff Positive: 0 Students Positive: 0 Staff Quarantined: 0 Students Quarantined: 0
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District: Federal Programs Parent Survey The purpose of this survey is part of an ongoing effort to communicate with the parents of our school district in order to meet our students' needs more effectively.
over 3 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot 04-23-21: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—0
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Snapshot-April 16, 2021 Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—1 Students Quarantined—1
over 3 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Data for April 9,2021: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—0
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Governor Hutchinson lifted the state mask mandate on March 30, 2021. I recommended to the MPV School Board that faculty, staff, and students be allowed to make a personal decision regarding wearing a mask at school. The board approved that recommendation. MPV will continue to follow state guidelines concerning safety protocols including but not limited to social distancing and sanitizing.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Schools will be closed on Friday, April 2nd and Monday, April 5th for the Good Friday and Easter Holidays. School will resume on Tuesday, April 6th. Be safe everyone!
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for April 2, 2021: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—0 3 weeks running of no positive cases and no quarantines! Way to go everyone!
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for March 19, 2021 Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—0 Yay for us!!!
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Parent-Teacher Conferences are Thursday, March 18, 2021 (tomorrow). We are recommending that conferences be held by phone, text or email. If a face to face conference is desired, please attempt to schedule through the respective school/teacher in order to follow CDC and ADH recommended COVID-19 guidelines. The conferences begin at 3:00 p.m. and will end no later than 9:00 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for March 12, 2021: Students Positive—0 Adults Positive—0 Adults Quarantined—0 Students Quarantined—3
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Afterschool tutoring will be cancelled for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 10 for the Pleasant View Campus.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Hood