MPV Schools: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone system. We are working on resolving this problem as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
MPV School District is back in session tomorrow, January 4, 2021. Please be advised that COVID-19 cases are at an all time high. If you are suffering from any symptoms of the virus or have been in close contact with a positive case and have not finished quarantine, please do not return until the appropriate time..
May we have a healthy, safe and happy 2021.
Welcome back!
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot:
Staff Positive—0
Students Positive—0
Staff Quarantined—2
Students Quarantined—7
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for 12/11/20:
Students Positive—3
Staff Positive—0
Students Quarantined—16
Staff Quarantined—2
Cameron Yellow Jackets vs Mulberry Yellow Jackets @6:00PM tonight.
Steam URL:
MPV School District:
Homecoming and the basketball games following will be live streamed at 5:30PM
Link -
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for December 4, 2020:
Staff Positive - 0
Student Positive - 1
Staff Quarantine - 2
Students Quarantine - 9
MPV is very thankful for our wonderful community! Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 everyone!
MPV School District: Senior Basketball Game Live Stream @6PM
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for November 20, 2020:
Staff Positive—1
Students Positive—0
Staff Quarantined—5
Students Quarantined—20
Tonight's basketball games will be live streamed. The first game will start at 6PM. To view the stream, click on the link below or on our website in the Live Feed Section.
The U of A's Office for Education Policy has developed A survey in coordination with the ADE and Secondary Education to learn from the families of Arkansas students about what is working currently and what are considerations for the future. (10-15min)
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for 11-13-20:
Staff Positive—0
Students Positive—1
Staff Quarantined—4
Students Quarantined—15
We need help keeping the quarantine down. Here is how you can help:
1. If you are ill or have been tested and you have any questions in your mind about attendance, please call our Point of Contact (POC), Mr. Anthony Hood. 479-297-1948
2. Please don’t attend school if you have a fever.
3. If anyone in your house has taken a COVID test, please don’t attend until you have knowledge that the test is negative.
3. Get a COVID test if you feel symptoms. If you feel good, there is no need to take a test.
4. Wear your mask, social distance 6 ft at every opportunity and wash your hands regularly.
5. Tiny particles that we expel from our mouths are called aerosols. They linger in the air after we talk, sneeze, cough, sing, etc. This is why it is important to wear masks and social distance at outside gatherings such as attending worship services. Many of our quarantines come from gatherings outside of school.
6. Thanksgiving holidays have great potential to create spread. Please be mindful of this when gathering with friends and family.
7. Thank you and God Bless.
COVID-19 Snapshot for November 6, 2020:
Staff Positive—0
Students Positive—4
Staff Quarantined—1
Students Quarantined—54
Reminder: Students participating in virtual learning may call his/her respective school to order a meal. Please call by 9:00 a.m. to order and pick up the meal between 10:45-noon. The meal must be picked up by someone not ill or not in quarantine.
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot—October 31, 2020::
Staff Positive—0
Student Positive—1
Staff Quarantine—1
Student Quarantine—21
Home Basketball games scheduled for Friday, October 30 have been canceled.
Snapshot of MPV Covid-19 Numbers for October 23, 2020:
Staff positive—0
Student positive—0
Staff quarantined—1
Students quarantined—3
COVID-19 Snapshot for October 16, 2020:
Staff Positive-1
Staff Quarantined-2
Students Positive-4
Students Quarantined-22