MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for November 20, 2020: Staff Positive—1 Students Positive—0 Staff Quarantined—5 Students Quarantined—20
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Tonight's basketball games will be live streamed. The first game will start at 6PM. To view the stream, click on the link below or on our website in the Live Feed Section.
almost 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
The U of A's Office for Education Policy has developed A survey in coordination with the ADE and Secondary Education to learn from the families of Arkansas students about what is working currently and what are considerations for the future. (10-15min)
almost 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot for 11-13-20: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—1 Staff Quarantined—4 Students Quarantined—15
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
We need help keeping the quarantine down. Here is how you can help: 1. If you are ill or have been tested and you have any questions in your mind about attendance, please call our Point of Contact (POC), Mr. Anthony Hood. 479-297-1948 2. Please don’t attend school if you have a fever. 3. If anyone in your house has taken a COVID test, please don’t attend until you have knowledge that the test is negative. 3. Get a COVID test if you feel symptoms. If you feel good, there is no need to take a test. 4. Wear your mask, social distance 6 ft at every opportunity and wash your hands regularly. 5. Tiny particles that we expel from our mouths are called aerosols. They linger in the air after we talk, sneeze, cough, sing, etc. This is why it is important to wear masks and social distance at outside gatherings such as attending worship services. Many of our quarantines come from gatherings outside of school. 6. Thanksgiving holidays have great potential to create spread. Please be mindful of this when gathering with friends and family. 7. Thank you and God Bless.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Snapshot for November 6, 2020: Staff Positive—0 Students Positive—4 Staff Quarantined—1 Students Quarantined—54
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Reminder: Students participating in virtual learning may call his/her respective school to order a meal. Please call by 9:00 a.m. to order and pick up the meal between 10:45-noon. The meal must be picked up by someone not ill or not in quarantine.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV COVID-19 Snapshot—October 31, 2020:: Staff Positive—0 Student Positive—1 Staff Quarantine—1 Student Quarantine—21
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Home Basketball games scheduled for Friday, October 30 have been canceled.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Snapshot of MPV Covid-19 Numbers for October 23, 2020: Staff positive—0 Student positive—0 Staff quarantined—1 Students quarantined—3
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Snapshot for October 16, 2020: Staff Positive-1 Staff Quarantined-2 Students Positive-4 Students Quarantined-22
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Pleasant View parents and students: Afterschool tutoring is cancelled today due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Hood
Parent/Teacher conferences will be Thursday, October 15th, 2020. The time will be 3-9 pm. We ask that conferences be held by phone or other electronic means if possible due to COVID-19. Please make an appointment if a face to face conference is absolutely necessary. Face Masks are required for any face to face conferences and social distancing is expected if entering any school building. Parents of virtual learners are greatly encouraged to call their students’ teachers. All parents and guardians are asked to regularly check the progress of their students.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Tomorrow (October 10th) is the last Virtual Learning Saturday for MPV Schools. We appreciate all the teachers and students for going the extra mile to accomplish these days of make up which were required. We can now look forward to full holidays as they arrive! Have a great weekend everyone and please encourage our students to complete the Saturday assignments.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
A similar message was sent September 2, 2020: 1. Do not come to school with a fever. 2. If you or anyone in your household has taken a COVID-19 positivity test, do not return to school until the results of the test are given. If result is positive, contact Anthony Hood, POC.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District ensures that all children with disabilities from birth to 21 years of age within our jurisdiction and in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated, regardless of the severity of their disability.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Saturday, October 3, 2020 is a virtual learning day. Please support our students in completing the assignments.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Numbers for 10-02-2020: 3 staff members positive, 4 staff members quarantined, 2 students positive and 30 students quarantined.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
COVID-19 Numbers for September 30, 2020: 3 staff members positive, 4 staff members quarantined, 1 student positive, and 25 students quarantined. .
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV will have a Wellness Meeting at 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The meeting is for the purpose of approving school breakfast and lunch menus as well as discussing healthy activities for the students, staff and community. The public is invited. Please remember to wear a mask if attending. The meeting will be held in the District Administration Building.
almost 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers